
The Rise of Putin and the Ukraine Endgame (A View from the Bridge)


By Wayne Allensworth It was November in Moscow, 24 years ago. I was taking a walk, killing a little time before my next meeting with one of my Russian contacts. As I had often done in the past, I walked across Red Square, past the red walls and golden domes of the Kremlin. The air was cold, but not yet frosty, and I pulled my collar closer around my neck. I was headed for the Bolshoy Moscow...

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Please consider supporting American Remnant: A green “Donate Today” button has been added at the end of each article (Near the comments section) appearing on the website. If you value what AR is doing, please consider supporting the website financially. $5, $10, or any amount that you can afford. Regular donations would especially be appreciated. Thank you!

A Ceasefire in Ukraine? (The “Korean Model”)


By Wayne Allensworth The March retirement of Victoria Nuland from her post as State Department undersecretary for political affairs sparked discussions in Moscow over whether the vociferously anti-Russian American official’s leaving might mean that Washington was growing weary of the war in Ukraine, or at least might be interested in a ceasefire. And, if so, what would Washington hope to...

After the Apocalypse (Reflections on the Present Crisis)


By Wayne Allensworth I was waiting to pick up my order at a popular BBQ restaurant near my home on a weekend afternoon. It turned out to be quite an eye-opening experience. Or it would have been if I were shocked or surprised by anything these days. I found myself people-watching in a sort of weary, resigned fashion, as strange specimens of humanity made their way in and out of the place. At...

An Obsolete Alliance Turns 75


by Wayne Allensworth My most recent article for Chronicles… The next summit meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is set for July of this year in Washington, D.C., following the 75th anniversary of the alliance’s founding on April 4. The organization’s leading lights will discuss “important issues” and “provide strategic direction” for NATO. The NATO website also explains...

The End of Men or the End of Humanity?


By Wayne Allensworth To be wise is to suffer—Sophocles, Oedipus Rex For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow—Ecclesiastes 1:18 Readers sometimes tell me that my articles are depressing. So be it. Nobody likes to hear bad news. There are lots of things that, under certain circumstances, one is perhaps better off not knowing. But maybe...

The End of Men Part II


 Sexual Economics and the Technological/Social Nexus By Wayne Allensworth My paternal grandfather was a boilermaker. When I was a boy, he made his living working with an oxy-acetylene gas torch, used to cut through steel plates, and an arc welder, used in fabricating the boilers, pipes, and other objects manufactured at the plant where he worked in Houston, Texas. He had learned his trade...

Today’s Generation Gap Is Not The Fault Of The Young


By Wayne Allensworth You baby boomers out there will remember the “generation gap” of the 1960’s-70’s, that invisible psychological barrier between many, but far from all, parents and grandparents and what was called “the younger generation.” We had what was known at the time as “a failure to communicate.” Whether it was race, religion, Vietnam, the role of the state, religion, or, most of all...

Russia and Ukraine are Mirror Images of One Another (Navalny’s death—and Gonzo Lira’s)


By Wayne Allensworth Russian opposition figure Aleksey Navalny has reportedly died in a Russian penal colony. Undoubtedly, Western MSM will jump at the chance to again call Vladimir Putin a murderous dictator. Whether that’s true or not has nothing to do with us. What happens in Russia and Ukraine has nothing to do with us, as I observed earlier. Our interests are elsewhere. What’s more...

What Happens in Ukraine Is None of Our Business. Some Questions and Answers on a War Few Know Anything About


By Wayne Allensworth After observing with some amusement—and a great deal of frustration—the Internet blathering about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin, I decided to do a brief question/answer piece on the Russia-Ukraine imbroglio and what it means for us, the American Remnant. I couldn’t come close to covering every point, but I have posted a number of articles on this website on...

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