
The Rule of the Wolves (A Memorial Day Message)


By Wayne Allensworth The deer have spotted me. They freeze for an instant, then go about their business, even as their eyes are subtly fixed on the human figure in the distance. I slowly move away from them, and they trot off into the distance. I come out to watch them in the mornings, their ever present, subtle grace, the stately solitude of their presence. The only sound the cooing of the dove...

Abbot says Texas Will “Repel” Invasion—Bring it On!


By Wayne Allensworth On Monday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott deployed a new “tactical border force” to the border in order to “repel” aliens attempting to illegally enter Texas. Abbott told Fox News that “We’re deploying today a new Texas tactical border force made up of elite National Guard who are specifically trained for one thing. And that is to identify areas illegal immigrants are trying to...

Tucker gets it—and he’s gone


By Wayne Allensworth The woke crowd has demanded Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News for some time: AOC calls on the government to ban Tucker Carlson and other Fox hosts Jen Psaki nods along pic.twitter.com/2vX0ZxuASQ— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) April 23, 2023 On Friday, Carlson hosted the last installment of his eponymous program. So Leftists have now achieved their aim of...

The Rage in The Machine: Thoughts on C.S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man


By Wayne Allensworth The great Christian apologist C. S. Lewis tackled the question of education and the shaping of values in his short 1947 book The Abolition of Man, an amalgamation of his lectures on the subject. Lewis was prompted by what he detected taking place in the British education system of his time, especially in the teaching of “English prep.” What Lewis detected in an English...

Living in Twilight Zone America


By Wayne Allensworth I was watching Jeopardy the other night. It’s a habit I can’t quite give up, despite of the predictable direction the show has taken in recent years. When host Ken Jennings was introducing the contestants, one of them, a woman — the signs were there … no makeup, a vaguely androgynous appearance — said she was a writer. And what does she write? She described herself as an...

Tucker Carlson on the Demonic and School Shootings


By Wayne Allensworth It was no surprise to your observer that several initial articles I read on the recent shooting at a Christian school in Nashville did not mention one crucial fact—that the shooter was a “trans person.” As far as I could glean from subsequent mass media accounts, the 28-year-old woman, Audrey Hale, “identified as transgender” and was using male pronouns. She had been grieving...

Globalists Criminalizing Their Opponents


By Wayne Allensworth The International Criminal Court has charged Russian President Vladimir Putin with war crimes, claiming that Russia has systematically kidnapped Ukrainian children during the conflict in Ukraine. The Russians say children who were orphaned by the war have been cared for as a humanitarian program. I don’t believe the charge, but the case against Putin is no surprise. As noted...

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