
A Word Behind Us (Finding Meaning)


By Wayne Allensworth  And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21 I was taking my morning walk recently on a trail that runs behind our house and near a pond and the channel that feeds it. I walk it every day, and on some days, I can still see the moon, full and white, above...

The End of Things (The Problem of Sisyphus)


By Wayne Allensworth  Jacob’s Ladder (William Blake) All good things — and the bad ones, too — come to an end. Everything does. But it can’t be any other way. I was thinking along those lines while my wife and I were “taking down” (as opposed to “putting up”) Christmas, that is, the decorations, this year. We like to have a festive house for that wonderful, evocative, and often, poignant...

The Gargoyle Becomes a Phoenix


By Tom Piatak (Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture) The great Gothic cathedrals are, incontestably, the greatest buildings conceived and built by man. Indeed, it scarcely seems credible that they were built by men at all, considering when and how they were built. They began showing up in the 12th century. Their construction required the transport, refinement, and proper placement of...

Autumn Sun (Living in One World, Longing for the Next)


By Wayne Allensworth And at times you introduce me from within into a wholly unaccustomed state of feeling…were it made perfect in me, [it] would not be of this world…But [I] fall back again and I am swallowed up in the usual run of things. Augustine of Hippo, Confessions At mid-morning, the autumn sun was clearing the sky. White rays emanating from a new October sun, a pale, liquid...

Unto This Hour (Thoughts on Prayer)


By Wayne Allensworth Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour. John 12:27 On the day my father collapsed in my house, which led to a painful and long dreaded decision on my part, I talked to our pastor, and then to a cardiologist. Daddy had trouble breathing. The emergency room staff gave him something that stabilized...

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