By Wayne Allensworth
Ann Coulter, no fan of former President Donald Trump, says that she will nevertheless vote for him in November. What tipped the balance in his favor after Coulter said she had considered not voting at all? Trump’s choice of J.D. Vance as his running mate. If Trump had been true to past form and chosen Nicky Haley, Coulter would have sat this one out. But Vance is different. As Coulter remarked, he is one of the very few people in high office who really cares about Middle America, the working class, the Americans whom globalization has left behind. She added that the Democrats fear Vance.

Indeed, it now appears that Trump Derangement Syndrome has spawned a new illness, Vance Derangement Syndrome. All we need to confirm that is the spate of attacks on him by the Blob’s media arm and, if there was any remaining doubt that the neoliberal-neoconservative globalist coalition shares that view, reliable GOP warmonger South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham’s opposition to Vance’s nomination should take care of that. Not surprisingly, Graham favored another always reliable GOP warmongering neocon for the job — Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Graham opposed Vance because of their “disagreement” about aid to Ukraine; that is, continuing the war with Russia. Graham later made some perfunctory noises about supporting the ticket, but one would have to be completely naïve to believe that he is sincere.
The Blob’s media arm is especially offended by Vance aiming at “childless cat ladies,” including the childless careerist Vice President Kamala Harris. Graham himself, as he has acknowledged, has no children. Dear readers, think about that for a moment. Yes, George Washington didn’t have children, but that was unusual in his time. It is not unusual in our time, when abortion has become a sacrament of the church of woke globalist nihilism, and careerism is the goal of all too many educated professionals. I know of good people who might have wished to have children but for various reasons couldn’t. But ours is a society that is increasingly anti-natalist, anti-family, anti-Christian, and hostile to all the social norms that support a healthy family life. What’s more, Vance’s comment corresponds with my own government work experience. We are ruled partly by a vast cohort of childless people. Excuse the digression, dear readers, but many years ago, a colleague of mine at work left early when his wife called about their infant daughter falling ill. And his childless supervisor muttered, shaking his head in disgust, “People with kids…” Do I need to explain why people in power with no personal stake in the lives of future generations — who even disdain children and family — could be dangerous? That such people are far more likely to view America as an idea, and not as our homeland, as Senator Vance so eloquently stated in his RNC speech?

The globalists appear vulnerable to a political “perfect storm” scenario that could leave a Trump-Vance administration with a window of opportunity to act on an America First agenda. That’s not all. The Ukraine adventure may well turn out to be a disaster for the globalists. Russia is winning the war. The Blob’s fantasy of overthrowing Vladimir Putin, hated by the powers-that-be in the West as an impediment to globalization, is evaporating. That could seriously undermine the Blob’s position. The backlash against the blasphemous Paris Olympics opening ceremony is a good sign as well. The ceremony demonically mocked the Eucharist, accompanied by a ghostly pale rider galloping along the Seine, a scene reminiscent of the Apocalypse, complete with the dreary nihilism of John Lennon’s we-are-the-world anthem as a soundtrack. If humans aren’t from any particular place, then they are from nowhere. “Gender” shifting nonentities will lose their humanity.
As far as Vance and his connections to elites like Peter Theil, as well as his “Never Trump” past, in previous articles, I’ve voiced the same concerns that many of you readers likely have. Yet I’m ready to give him the benefit of the doubt. It’s early days, of course, and that could change, but I believe that he was sincere in his GOP convention speech about not forgetting where he came from. His Senate record includes efforts aimed at weakening corporate power and helping American workers. Honest liberal Glenn Greenwald was surprised by his pro-worker stance and pointed out that the Club for Growth opposes Vance, an endorsement, as far as I’m concerned. Senator Vance has also taken aim at DEI programs. Vance could be the future of America First populism. He may act as a lever for peeling away a segment of elites from the globalist consensus. If we are to get anything out of politics, the American Remnant must turn some elites in its favor. The Blob appears to be vulnerable, and we should try to take advantage of the situation.
Finally, an anecdote that may be instructive. Many years ago, a bright young man from a regional backwater in his country, a lawyer by training, was spotted and promoted by members of his country’s top-level elite. One of those men was a leading figure in that country’s “Deep State.” That young man eventually rose to a powerful position in his country’s ruling party by promising economic and political reforms. Eventually, he became the top official in that country’s political system. Within a few years, the country’s elite was divided among reformers and hardliners who now saw him as a threat to their power. His reforms had gone too far. The hardliners mounted an attempt to overthrow their one-time protégé. The coup attempt failed. And their system failed with it. A number of new states emerged from under the rubble of that failed polity. The country’s external empire collapsed as well. The reformer was Mikhail Gorbachev. The country was the Soviet Union. One of Gorbachev’s patrons was Yuri Andropov, former KGB chief and Communist Party boss prior to his protégé taking power.

As I remember very well from those days, Andropov’s patronizing Gorbachev set off alarm bells among the super hawks in the Reagan administration. They argued that Gorbachev’s reform program of perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness) was a KGB ruse designed to lull the West into complacency. That a man with Gorbachev’s elite connections, a man who had risen through the Soviet system as a loyal party member, could never be capable of genuine reforms that would threaten the system that had promoted him. To his great credit, Ronald Reagan’s instincts and political intuition told him something else.
That may not be a perfect analogy to our situation, but it will do. Call it “close enough for government work.” Let’s see what happens. We have nothing to lose.
Chronicles contributor Wayne Allensworth is the author of The Russian Question: Nationalism, Modernization, and Post-Communist Russia, and a novel, Field of Blood. For thirty-two years, he worked as an analyst and Russia area expert in the US intelligence community.
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