


Post Correction Reveals Another Falsehood In House Impeachment Memo


The Washington Post has corrected a story that President Trump falsely told a Georgia election official to “find the fraud” to help overturn Biden’s victory in the state. That is the second major falsehood connected to a media report that appeared in House impeachment brief, which in turn accused Trump of inciting an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. The first was...

A Payday For The Floyds … $27M For What?


Minneapolis paid $27M because George Floyd died of a drug overdose. He couldn’t breathe because he took fentanyl, a powerful respiratory depressant, not because Derek Chauvin restrained him with a knee to the back of the neck. He also had the China Virus, which is often fatal to people with Floyd’s myriad health problems that included cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure...

Roma Locuta


Credit where credit is due. The Vatican today released a document, approved by Pope Francis, making it clear that the Church lacks the power to bless same-sex unions. The statement was issued by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, and it is reminiscent of other documents issued by the Congregation’s Prefect, Cardinal Ladaria Ferrer, S. J.: it is logical, concise, crystal clear...

Dear, Mr. President …


… The editors of American Remnant and their families will get together in their backyards on July 4 or at any other time without your input, advice, or permission. Thank You. The Editors BIDEN: "If we do our part… by July 4, there's a good chance you, your families, and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a...

A Dreadful Mistake


Eight years ago, the Cardinal electors made a dreadful mistake. Even I, a mere lawyer in Cleveland, knew that Benedict XVI wanted Angelo Scola to succeed him. That is why he had moved Scola from Venice to Milan. Eight years later, I can see many arguments for the case that Francis has strengthened one faction in the Church against other factions in internecine squabbles that do nothing to attract...

Cuomo Accuser 6: He Grabbed My Breast


More details have emerged on the allegations by the sixth woman to accuse NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment. If what the woman says is true, Cuomo is guilty of misdemeanor sex assault. BREAKING: A female aide to Gov. Cuomo alleges he aggressively groped her in a sexually charged manner after she had been summoned to the governor's mansion late last year. ; Times Union (@timesunion)...

100K Illegal Aliens Caught In Feb. Almost 400K Since Oct. 1


The demographic displacement of old stock Americans continues. And you’ll pay for their education and health care. They carry the Flu Manchu. Biden is releasing them into heartland. But at least his people admit the truth. He encouraged the latest invasion. Watch: NSC official Roberta Jackson just inadvertently admitted that Joe Biden's immigration agenda is driving the border crisis:...

Francis to Avoid Orban?


In many ways, Hungary’s Viktor Orban has emerged as the leading Christian statesman in Europe. While many talk about helping the family, Orban’s policies have actually helped increase the number of Hungarians getting married and the number of Hungarian babies being born. And while many talk of helping persecuted Christians, Hungary has actually set up a fund to help. When Pope Francis...

In An Empire, We Are Subjects, Not Citizens


by Clyde Wilson The United States began as a republican confederation. With Appomattox it became a consolidated regime the most important symbol of which was $. With conquest and occupation of the Southern states the ruling element began to get a taste for empire, which Europe seemed to demonstrate to be a profitable affair. Thus annexation of Hawaii and the Philippines and various...

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