


Tucker Goes There: The Great Replacement


By Wayne Allensworth Well, almost there. For understandable reasons, Tucker Carlson had to pretend the Great Replacement is about “voting rights,” which is partly true, but he did not specify just whose voting rights the powers-that-be really aim to diminish. If you get that part of it, then it’s clear just who is slated for replacement, and why the globalist Blob goes ballistic...

Conserving Nothing on Principle


There is no political type I find more annoying than Never Trump “conservatives.” Taken as a whole, they are smug, self-righteous, unable to comprehend the nature of political power, and unwilling to use political power to advance the interests of ordinary Americans, whom they regard with indifference or contempt. It is this last point–their unwillingness to use political power...

George Floyd Admitted Drug Overdose


In the show trial of former Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin today, his defense attorney played a clip of George Floyd’s admission that he overdosed: “I ate too many drugs.” BREAKING: Chauvin lawyer plays clip of George Floyd, asks if he is saying “I ate too many drugs”— Dubious Poso (@JackPosobiec) April 7, 2021 But we already knew that, as I...

What Trump Could Do For His People


By Clyde Wilson For millions of Americans, President Trump has become the symbol, voice, and hope of saving their America  from  ongoing destruction.  Though the hope he raised remains spectacularly unfulfilled,  he is still its recognized  representative. Possibly his presence is now an obstacle to his program, but that can’t be helped. There is no other populist in...

Biden: More Foreign Workers Needed For Ruling-Class Oligarchs


By Darrell Dow America’s immigration policy, as I wrote here in February, is little more than a wealth redistribution scheme aimed at enriching ruling class oligarchs at the expense of America’s middle and working classes.  The news of the last week confirms it. Last Spring, as government-imposed lockdowns wracked the economy, then-President Trump issued a series of proclamations...

Video: Smugglers Drop Little Kids Over The Border Fence


From The New American: Border agents rescued two little girls dropped into the United States over the border fence in New Mexico on Tuesday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has reported.The girls are three and five years old, CBP reported. The agency released the image and a statement after Breitbart published leaked video of the deed. The remorseless smugglers, of course, left the girls to...

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