


Republican “Transgenders”: The Dems are the Real Transphobes!


By Wayne Allensworth I have to admit, the California governor’s race is going to be quite amusing, with Republicans accepting “Caitlyn” as one of their own—next thing you know, they’ll have Tim Scott (the Dems are the real racists!) paired with “Caitlyn” (the Dems are the real transphobes!) to reply to Biden’s speeches. The post-American black comedy continues.  Wayne Allensworth is a...

Chauvin Juror Lied. Attended Pro-Floyd Rally In D.C.


No wonder former cop Derek Chauvin was convicted. A juror in his trial lied on his jury questionnaire about attending a pro-George Floyd rally in Washington, D.C. The same juror thinks trials are meant to push social “change.” Another juror said she feared Black Lives Matters terrorists would attack her home. Chauvin juror attended pro-Floyd rally. He said he didn't on his jury...

Conservative “Trans” Mania


By Wayne Allensworth After the “conservative case for gay marriage” and the “conservative case for transgender rights,” James Kirkpatrick, probably correctly, assumes that we will soon be subjected to the “conservative case for Critical Race Theory,” as well. Well, what’s to stop it? If alleged conservatives can accept “transgender rights,”...

Story’s End


By Wayne Allensworth He wanders among his progeny, lilting subtly as he walks, occasionally slowing to a shuffle on the worn carpet. Sometimes he points his cane at a chair or at a picture, at something, and asks “Does anybody want this?” And sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t. If they don’t, he shakes his head in disbelief. “I thought somebody’d get that for...

The Globalist Elites Want To Reconstruct Society. That’s Why You Must ‘Be Less White.’


By Darrell Dow It is now clear that whites are second class citizens in the nations of their ancestors. In the name of rooting out “systemic racism” and “white privilege,” elite power brokers have declared war on whites, propagating racially charged identity politics to advance the interests of non-whites. Only whites can be guilty of “hate” crimes. They are discriminated against in employment...

Our Unpleasant New Religion


The apotheosis of George Floyd leaves little doubt that Wokeism is our new religion. There is literally a shrine to Floyd in Minneapolis, where devotees claim miracles have occurred. The shrine has its own rules, too, rules which make clear the strict racial hierarchy of the new creed: white people are allowed to visit the shrine, but they must be careful to defer to the “BIPOC”...

Despicable: Biden, Pelosi Canonize Floyd


That’s right, he’s a saint, looking down from above.

PELOSI: "Thank you, George Floyd—for sacrificing your life for justice. For being there, to call out to your mom—how, how heartbreaking was that. Call out for your mom. 'I can't breathe.'"— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) April 20, 2021

November 4, 2008, All Over Again


The unsurprising news that a Minneapolis jury voted to convict Derek Chauvin has unleashed a wave of self-congratulatory twaddle about “justice” from the political class unseen since the date mentioned above. Twelve years from now, though, it is likely to mean as little. November 4, 2008 is the date Americans elected a man with the unlikely name of Barack Obama as their president. We...

Chauvin Show Trial Ends In Conviction. Fair Jury Trials Doomed If Guilty Verdicts Stand.


After what amounts to jury tampering and a threat of rioting by leftist Rep. Maxine Waters, a jury found Derek Chauvin guilty of murdering George Floyd. As the jury deliberated, President Joe Biden said he prayed for the “right” verdict. Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose. Chauvin must appeal, and Chauvin must win, or the jury trial system is doomed. This happened yesterday: The judge...

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