


Globalism vs. “Putinism”


By Wayne Allensworth The managerial globalist regime’s hatred for Russian President Vladimir Putin is as intense as it seems inexplicable. From “Russiagate” to charges of anti-globalists shilling for Putin, the shrill accusations of Russia being behind every nefarious activity the global managers can imagine, to the comparisons of Putin to Hitler…On and on the trail of hatred...

Conservatives Get It Wrong Again, This Time on the Bombing In Kabul


A Facebook group called “The Committed Conservative” offered this assessment of the Marines and other Americans murdered today in Kabul: All 12 of the American soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan today would be alive but for the fact that Joe Biden PERSONALLY ignored ALL of our intelligence agencies who warned this would happen and ALL of his military and national security advisors who...

The Taliban and the Last Man


By Wayne Allensworth Some thoughts on the debacle in Afghanistan: The Taliban fighters’ cause, expelling an alien occupier, gave them the fire in the belly to endure and win, wearing down a high-tech empire in an iron age country. The technology didn’t matter in the end, nor did the billions spent, much of which was probably stolen by self-interested tribesmen who didn’t mind lying to...

Neocons, Look in the Mirror


Various neocons are venting over the incompetence of our withdrawal from Kabul, and they are looking for someone to blame. I suggest they grab a mirror: Mission creep set in in Afghanistan because it was seen as a “good war” that could help build support for our misadventure in Iraq, a neocon project par excellence.Another neocon project was to drive President Trump out of the White House and to...

Close The Border


By Darrell Dow The demographic transformation of America into a polyglot flophouse continues unabated.  In a leaked audio obtained by Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told Border Patrol agents in Texas that the border crisis is “unsustainable” and “we’re going to lose” if “borders are the first line of defense.” NEW: A source sent me leaked...

Facing Reality: Protecting Ourselves in the Future


By Wayne Allensworth Yours truly earlier pondered the implications of the USA becoming a low trust “failed state.” We will have to face up to what our society has become in order to courageously and realistically deal with unpleasant truths about our future as well as our present state. Jared Taylor has done just that in an article on the future of white Americans. The number of...

Pat Buchanan Asks the Question: Is the USA becoming a “Failed State”?


By Wayne Allensworth From Pat Buchanan’s latest article: “America is unable to win the wars she chooses to fight. She cannot or will not control and defend her borders from a mass migrant invasion. She cannot halt an outbreak of criminality and killing in her great cities. She has not run a trade surplus in four decades. Her dependency upon foreign producers is unprecedented. And her...

Treason: The Erasure of Our Southern Border


By Wayne Allensworth America’s Southern border is being erased. Our replacement and the “election of a new people” is moving ahead at a rapid, unrelenting pace. The erasure of the border means the erasure of what remains of America. Our treasonous elites are making their intentions crystal clear. Yet there has been no serious pushback against the border collapse, despite some...

World on Fire: South Africa Implodes/”COVID Certificate” Protests/The Border Crisis


By Wayne Allensworth As noted in this space earlier, what’s happening in South Africa could foreshadow our own future. Revolver put it this way: The first country built on Critical Race Theory is imploding. Having declared the “end of history” following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the global elite’s crusade to spread “liberal democracy” brought down the apartheid-era...

For Francis The Merciful, Back to Year Zero


By Tom Piatak Pope Francis shocked many Catholics when he issued a motu proprio — a document creating laws governing Church life — called Traditionis Custodes on July 16. The subject of the motu proprio is what is commonly called the traditional Latin Mass, namely the version of the Latin Mass that was in effect when the Second Vatican Council began in 1962. After Vatican II, the Latin Mass was...

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