


Why I Oppose War With Russia: My Country Comes First


By Tom Piatak With respect to foreign policy, I am an America First nationalist, not a Kissingerian-Bismarckian “realist.”  The former is a moral position, grounded in the fact that a statesman’s primary duty lies to those he serves in office; the latter is an amoral belief grounded in the notion that big fish eat little fish, and the fewer little fish there are causing problems, the...

An Elegy for Wild Bill


By Wayne Allensworth I was blessed to be able to take care of my father, Bill Allensworth (1931-2022). It was a lot of work, sometimes it was overwhelming, but it strangely set me at peace. I realized it was one of the few really unselfish things I’d ever done and that it was not only my father, but me, who was the better for it. Thank you for that opportunity, Daddy, and thanks to all my...

Bowling Alone in Columbine


By Wayne Allensworth Politics are over in America. Political maneuvering will go on, of course, but the old civics class view of American political life was based on a set of assumptions that are no longer operative.  First, America was far more homogenous before the 1965 Immigration Act and the 60’s “New Left” political and social revolution changed the country demographically and...

All Politics Are Racial And Tribal. Conservative Policy Proposals Must Recognize That Fact


As They Say, ‘Demography Is Destiny’ By Darrell Dow “In coping with identity crisis,” Samuel Huntington wrote in Clash of Civilizations, “what counts for people are blood and belief, faith and family. People will rally to those with similar ancestry, religion, language, values, and institutions and distance themselves from those with different ones. … In a very fluid world, people are looking for...

A Nation Of Immigrants, No … But Still …


By Tom Piatak Fun fact learned over the weekend: my Polish great-grandfather came to America on the same ship as my Slovak great-grandmother, along with several thousand others. I wonder if they ever realized that. My Slovak great-grandmother on her way to meet her husband in Cleveland, along with her young son and several friends from their village.  (Lines 23 through 30). Walenty...

Marriage and Post-Christian America


By Wayne Allensworth “MAGA,” if one means by that the restoration of an earlier version of America, has always been a delusion. The old country is dead and gone and has been for a long time. At present, the best long-term plan for the American Remnant, especially serious Christians, is probably something like Rod Dreher’s “Benedict Option” of a strategic withdrawal from a toxic anti-culture...

Sleepy Joe’s False Memories Indicate Alzheimer’s


By R. Cort Kirkwood (The New American) President Joe Biden has a richer fantasy life than Walter Mitty. And he’s had one for going on 40 years. In 1987, when he ran for the Democrat presidential nomination, Biden said he was the first in his family to attend college. He repeated the tall tale during his run for the nomination in 2020. Also during that campaign, he recalled the time he was...

Fauci Knew About, And Lied About Research, Lab Leak


By R. Cort Kirkwood (The New American) Early this week, House Republicans released e-mails to and from Anthony Fauci and his boss, Francis Collins, heads of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and National Institute for Health.  Those e-mails again proved Fauci lied about U.S. subsidies that paid for potentially catastrophic gain-of-function virus experiments in Red...

Now They Tell Us! China Virus Kills The Vaxxed Who Have Comorbidities


By R. Cort Kirkwood (The New American) The Centers for Disease Control has finally admitted what everyone else has known for two years. When the China Virus kills, it mostly kills the old, the obese, and the sick. And that statement holds true even when those demographic groups are vaccinated. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky confessed the truth on Friday’s edition of Good Morning America, and the...

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