


A Shot Misfired: Another Neocon-Cult Marx Hit On Sam Francis Fails


By R. Cort Kirkwood A remarkable phenomenon on the neoconservative Respectable Right appears to be the periodic urge to attack the late conservative intellectual Sam Francis, dead now 17 years. Calling Francis a “racist” or “white nationalist” and smearing his admirers makes good copy for Big Journalism, meaning the communist Mainstream Media. The attack is a signal: One is on the “right side of...

Globalist Totalitarians: Pandemonium’s Rebellion


By Wayne Allensworth Pandemonium the palace of Satan arises, suddenly built out of the deep: the infernal peers sit there in council… In George Orwell’s classic novel on the nature of totalitarianism, 1984, O’Brien is the face of the Inner Party that has targeted the hapless Winston Smith for his thought crimes. O’Brien is determined to break Winston, that is, to force him to not only mouth the...

Putin’s Mobilization Speech: The Stakes are Raised in WWIII


By Wayne Allensworth In a much-anticipated September 21 speech to the Russian people, President Vladimir Putin announced a “partial mobilization” of Russian reservists, as well as support for referenda on annexation to the Russian Federation to be conducted in Russian held territories in Eastern and Southeastern Ukraine. The mobilization will be partial; up to 300,000 of millions of reservists...



by Tom Piatak Pope Francis said something important in his news conference on the flight back from Kazakhstan: “To defend oneself is not only a right, but it’s also an act of love for the homeland. If someone doesn’t defend something, they don’t love it.” Francis was talking about the Ukrainians’ defense of their country from the Russian invasion. He would not use the same language to describe...

The Horsemen Cometh


By Wayne Allensworth Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that asketh recieveth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened Matthew 7: 7-8 The road ahead seems to be taking us directly into a mountainous cloud, a wonderous snowy escarpment surrounded by roiling white foothills that look like cotton ball sculptures that have...

Remembering a Man of the West


By Wayne Allensworth The day my grandfather tripped and nearly fell on the sidewalk in front of his house, and I did not help him, I was in my late 20s and he was nearing 90. Let me explain myself. I was very close to my paternal grandfather, a man who to me seemed like a hero from one of the Western movies I loved so well. He thought of himself as man of the West. As a boy, he had seen the sun...

How The Middle class Is Being Squeezed: Globalization And Financialization Of The Economy


By Darrell Dow In 2016, Donald Trump announced his candidacy in a meandering speech which is widely remembered for his comments about Mexican immigration. Immigration was, of course, central to Trump’s 2016 success. But the theme with which he closed the speech animated his campaign and gave Trump’s candidacy its central expression.    “Sadly, the American dream is dead,” Trump...

A Matter of Life and Death


By Wayne Allensworth A socio-economic-political system and its enforcement structures set priorities, and those priorities reveal what that system values most of all. The indispensable Steve Sailer, writing on the latest disease scare, monkeypox (“Monkeypox: The New AIDS”), notes that the Centers for Disease Control seem more worried about “stigmatizing” homosexuals than acting to prevent the...

A Great Need For Witness


by Tom Piatak An energetic and engaging evangelical church publishes a prayer calendar describing the missionaries from the church, other missions supported by the church, and the world mission field, as seen from the perspective of the church, all for the purpose of soliciting prayers for those mission efforts. Unfortunately, I find that calendar rather less engaging than some of the church’s...

Duck and Cover!: New York City Prepares for a Nuclear Attack


By Wayne Allensworth Those of us of a certain age can remember being taught to hide under our school desks in the event of a nuclear attack. Of course, should a multi-megaton nuke have found its way to our burg, crawling under a desk would have been a prelude to kissing our collective backside goodbye. Nevertheless, the military-industrial arm of the emerging globalist Blob was painting the best...

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