Bye, Bob (Bob Newhart, R.I.P.)


by Tom Piatak


As a child of the 1970s, Saturday nights on CBS were a delight. They
featured The Mary Tyler Moore Show and The Bob Newhart Show.
The first was the first prime time TV show I remember liking. The second I eventually came to like even more.

I found Newhart, who played psychologist Robert Hartley—known
universally on the show as “Bob”—to be instantly likable.

I also found the weekly juxtaposition between the sober, sensible Hartley and the crazy people who entered his office, lived in his apartment building, and otherwise regularly crossed his path to be both irresistible and consistently funny.

Who could ever forget the next-door neighbor, airline navigator Howard Borden (played by Bill Daily), who deprived Bob of the peace and quiet he craved by regularly walking into the Hartleys’ apartment, unbidden, to borrow something, invite himself to dinner or breakfast, and otherwise be a genial but general nuisance?…

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Wayne Allensworth

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