AuthorWayne Allensworth

Top Gun: Maverick and the End of the American Superpower


By Wayne Allensworth On Memorial Day, my wife and I went to a movie, something we had not done in a long time. Our absence from movie theatres wasn’t simply a result of Covid restrictions, but because movies, a medium I’ve loved my whole life, have generally become nothing more than another platform for “woke” propaganda. Like Soviet movie watchers, we had learned to content ourselves looking for...

More evidence of Cracks in the Blob’s Ukraine Consensus


By Wayne Allensworth In my previous piece on the war in Ukraine, I noted some sizable cracks appearing in the globalist elite’s consensus on the war. The Blob’s war aims may be shifting from trying to destroy the Putin regime to helping Ukraine enough to prompt the Russians, who are inflicting huge casualties on the Ukrainians and steadily, slowly advancing in Eastern Ukraine, to come to the...

Are Cracks Appearing in the Blob’s Russia-Ukraine Consensus?


By Wayne Allensworth A New York Times editorial published last month was one indication of cracks that have appeared in the D.C.-Brussels-Davos Blob’s elite consensus on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has been recently focused on using the Ukrainians as cannon fodder in a war aimed at destroying the Russian army and ousting Putin from the Kremlin. America and Its Allies Want to Bleed Russia...

The Uvalde Shooting: I’ll Keep My Guns And So Should You


By Wayne Allensworth The horrifying Uvalde, Texas school shooting on May 25, which followed quickly on the heels of the supermarket massacre in Buffalo on May 14, and a less bloody shooting at a meeting of Asian churchgoers on May 15 in California, has predictably spurred on the usual arguments for and against gun control. Gun controllers say that it should not be so easy to purchase firearms...

Surprise!: “W” Accidentally Tells the Truth


By Wayne Allensworth In what one commentator called “The Freudian slip of the century,” during a speech in Dallas, Texas, George W. Bush condemned the “wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq,” before catching himself and adding, “I mean of Ukraine.” He made light of his gaffe by adding, “Iraq too, anyway.” Thanks for the clarification, as if we hadn’t known it already. Your humble servant...

A Time to Keep Silence


By Wayne Allensworth To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven… A time to rend, and a time to sow; a time to keep silence and a time to speak (Ecclesiastes 3:1,7) But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him (Habakkuk 2:20) It’s hard to get away from the noise. The cacophony that is now the soundtrack of our lives. The car...

Do Not be Distracted by the “Ukraine Crisis” Part II


By Wayne Allensworth Prior to the Russian invasion, I stated my position regarding Ukraine on this website. In a piece for Chronicles, I elaborated on the why the anti-Russian media hysteria was misleading and misdirecting the attention of the American Remnant: “Post-Communist Russia is not our enemy, but Washington and the global oligarchs are. It is not Vladimir Putin who is dissolving...

Don’t be Distracted by the “Ukraine Crisis”


By Wayne Allensworth Is it “stupid,” as one friend asked me recently, for “us” to be involved in the Russia-Ukraine crisis? My answer: It’s not stupidity driving this, but ideology. Stupidity in such a case would be acting in way contrary to the American interest, but that assumes the “stupid” parties involved could even think of an “American interest” in a way any normal person could understand...

The Feminized “Woke” Revolution and the Canadian Truckers’ Protests


By Wayne Allensworth A perceptive Canadian, commenting on a Rod Dreher blog post, believes that the protests generated by the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for Canadian truckers are closely connected to a masculine rejection of a feminized political and social order: “The protesters are definitely the non-elite, a combination of working class and others up to the middle middle class, such as...

An Elegy for Wild Bill


By Wayne Allensworth I was blessed to be able to take care of my father, Bill Allensworth (1931-2022). It was a lot of work, sometimes it was overwhelming, but it strangely set me at peace. I realized it was one of the few really unselfish things I’d ever done and that it was not only my father, but me, who was the better for it. Thank you for that opportunity, Daddy, and thanks to all my...

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