By Wayne Allensworth Well, almost there. For understandable reasons, Tucker Carlson had to pretend the Great Replacement is about “voting rights,” which is partly true, but he did not specify just whose voting rights the powers-that-be really aim to diminish. If you get that part of it, then it’s clear just who is slated for replacement, and why the globalist Blob goes ballistic...
He Lives!: An Easter Hymn
A beautiful Easter Hymn:
Horseman, Pass By: Larry McMurtry RIP
Your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Acts 2:17
Where You There?: A Good Friday Spiritual
The White Disease
By Wayne Allensworth If you have not noticed by now, dear reader, a fundamental theme in leftist/globalist discourse is “whiteness,” and how that condition is the cause of practically all the world’s problems. Wokeness in power means anti-”whiteness,” and the leftist mob takes every opportunity it can to demonize unreconstructed white people who have not yet denounced themselves and...
SI Makes History: The Norming of “Trans” Mania
By Wayne Allensworth A creature who goes by the name “Leyna Bloom” is now, as Us magazine reports, “gracing the pages” of the 2021 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. “Leyna” and SI are “making history,” we are told, since “she” is “the first transgender woman of color” to be featured in the magazine. SI had already...
Joe Sobran’s Real Transgression
By American Remnant Declan Leary admires the late Joe Sobran, who passed on ten years ago. Mr. Leary used most of a recent article he wrote for The American Conservative to praise Sobran’s many gifts and insights. Leary, for instance, called Joe Sobran “a rare talent, fueled by a remarkable mind.” He described Sobran’s writing as “unmatched” for its...
The Texas Power Grid Disaster: Only the Beginning?
By Wayne Allensworth The sun is shining now, and the snow and ice are melting. I managed to take a walk around my neighborhood this weekend, something I haven’t been able to do for a while as a result of the “polar vortex” that wreaked havoc in my native state. The power grid broke down under the strain, homes were left without electricity, pipes burst, and water treatment plants stopped...
Middle American Resistance, Nullification, and the Purge of the Military
By Wayne Allensworth In earlier pieces on Middle American Resistance (see here and here, for instance), your humble servant wrote that gun control could be the issue that galvanizes that resistance. From counties to whole states, a showdown with the globalist Blob has been shaping up over what may be the bridge too far Middle America won’t allow to be crossed. Under front man Biden, the...
Why do conservatives always lose?
By Wayne Allensworth In my lifetime, social trends have inexorably tracked leftward. In a very short time in historical terms, our society’s popular culture, for instance, veered from The Andy Griffith Show to RuPaul’s Drag Race at a disorienting pace. For every apparently good bit of news—divorce rates are down, for instance—we find a dark cloud behind a false silver lining: there are...
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