By Wayne Allensworth Read Part I here. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation. And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul—Genesis 2:7 The late John Polkinghorne was a noted physicist who contributed to the discovery of the quark, a fundamental sub-atomic particle. He was...
The God Hypothesis Part I
Reflections on faith, science, reason, and belief By Wayne Allensworth Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you—I Peter 3:15 Let all mortal flesh keep silence,And with fear and trembling stand;Ponder nothing earthly-minded,For with blessing in his hand,Christ our God to earth descendeth,Our full homage to demand. It was Advent season in a...
Advice on Resisting “the jab”
By Wayne Allensworth In an earlier article, I wrote that resistance to Biden’s “vaccine mandate” was growing, not just out of fear, but as a matter of principle: “Millions of ordinary Americans wish to make their own decisions about whether they will be vaccinated, weighing the claimed benefits vs. potential hazards, and considering moral concerns about...
Whose Life is it, anyway?
By Wayne Allensworth If I were asked to point to one life-lesson I learned from my parents that meant the most to me, it would be this: Your life is not your own. It’s not something they explicitly told me when I was a boy. It was something I absorbed by watching them. My father did whatever he could for his family without ever making an issue of it. I noted that he was a loyal friend, and never...
Every Knee Shall Bow: Biden’s Vaccine “Mandate”
By Wayne Allensworth The imposition of Biden’s vaccine “mandate,” along with his personal behavior and other actions by the administration, tell us a lot about the nature and aims of the managerial regime. First, Biden’s behavior mirrors that of other “masters of the universe.” He has ignored COVID restrictions when they inconvenience him personally, even while the peons serving him are...
America on Life Support
By Wayne Allensworth Sitting in a crowded waiting room can be a terrifying experience in the Twilight Zone world that is post-America. Masked nurses (I think today’s term is “care provider”), faceless apparitions, their voices muffled, shuffle patients in and out of examination rooms. My 90-year-old father seems bewildered by the scene, and he whispers to me that we appear to be...
Globalism vs. “Putinism”
By Wayne Allensworth The managerial globalist regime’s hatred for Russian President Vladimir Putin is as intense as it seems inexplicable. From “Russiagate” to charges of anti-globalists shilling for Putin, the shrill accusations of Russia being behind every nefarious activity the global managers can imagine, to the comparisons of Putin to Hitler…On and on the trail of hatred...
The Taliban and the Last Man
By Wayne Allensworth Some thoughts on the debacle in Afghanistan: The Taliban fighters’ cause, expelling an alien occupier, gave them the fire in the belly to endure and win, wearing down a high-tech empire in an iron age country. The technology didn’t matter in the end, nor did the billions spent, much of which was probably stolen by self-interested tribesmen who didn’t mind lying to...
Facing Reality: Protecting Ourselves in the Future
By Wayne Allensworth Yours truly earlier pondered the implications of the USA becoming a low trust “failed state.” We will have to face up to what our society has become in order to courageously and realistically deal with unpleasant truths about our future as well as our present state. Jared Taylor has done just that in an article on the future of white Americans. The number of...
Pat Buchanan Asks the Question: Is the USA becoming a “Failed State”?
By Wayne Allensworth From Pat Buchanan’s latest article: “America is unable to win the wars she chooses to fight. She cannot or will not control and defend her borders from a mass migrant invasion. She cannot halt an outbreak of criminality and killing in her great cities. She has not run a trade surplus in four decades. Her dependency upon foreign producers is unprecedented. And her...
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