AuthorWayne Allensworth

Angels and Spacemen


By Wayne Allensworth On Christmas Eve, 1968, the crew of the Apollo 8, Bill Anders, Jim Lovell, and Frank Borman, read verses 1-10 of the Genesis creation narrative as they orbited the moon: We have lost the sense of wonder, of enchantment with and in our world. So many of us have become enveloped in a technological cocoon that regaining it will be difficult. Man has successfully manipulated his...

The Minstrel of the Dawn has Passed on: Gordon Lightfoot, Rest in Peace


By Wayne Allensworth Gordon Lightfoot, Canada’s Minstrel of the Dawn, the travelling troubadour of Don Quixote, who warned Sundown to take care, languished in loneliness In the Early Morning Rain, and who wondered what would be discovered If You Could Read my Mind, has passed on at the age of 84. Sometimes I thought he could read our collective mind, as his songs were at once deeply personal and...

Bigfoot, Big Sam, Little Audie and the Texas Mystique


By Wayne Allensworth March and April are special months for true Texans. March 2 is Texas Independence Day. March 6 is Alamo Day. And April 21 marks Sam Houston’s victory over Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto. What follows is a speech I gave in San Antonio, Texas in November 2004.  An associate and I were waiting for a flight to Washington, D.C. out of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport in...

Tucker gets it—and he’s gone


By Wayne Allensworth The woke crowd has demanded Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News for some time: AOC calls on the government to ban Tucker Carlson and other Fox hosts Jen Psaki nods along— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) April 23, 2023 On Friday, Carlson hosted the last installment of his eponymous program. So Leftists have now achieved their aim of...

The Rage in The Machine: Thoughts on C.S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man


By Wayne Allensworth The great Christian apologist C. S. Lewis tackled the question of education and the shaping of values in his short 1947 book The Abolition of Man, an amalgamation of his lectures on the subject. Lewis was prompted by what he detected taking place in the British education system of his time, especially in the teaching of “English prep.” What Lewis detected in an English...

Where Does the Time Go?


By Wayne Allensworth The sun is hitting the porch directly now, and I pull my chair up into the sunlight on a bright, coolish April morning. My wife and I are at her parents’ place in Central Texas, preparing for the estate sale, cleaning up the property to put it up for sale, too. And it’s harder for my wife than she thought it would be, letting go of this place. Yes, I said to her, it’s hard...



By Wayne Allensworth Some readers have occasionally criticized my writing for amounting to “mere” nostalgia, which is apparently supposed to be a bad thing. To that I plead guilty. Americans have long been conditioned to think of themselves as living in the land of tomorrow, a tomorrow without any yesterdays. I look back to a past that never seems distant to me, as dreamlike as it can be. Without...

Good Friday


By Wayne Allensworth The picture below, of Christ being led to a snowy Golgotha, is from a movie that, along with others from the film’s director, have often been chosen as among the hundred best ever produced. Rating movies can get complicated, but nevertheless this film belongs in any cinematic canon. The director is Russian Andrey Tarkovsky. The film is his Andrey Rublev (1966) about a...

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