By Wayne Allensworth Prior to the Russian invasion, I stated my position regarding Ukraine on this website. In a piece for Chronicles, I elaborated on the why the anti-Russian media hysteria was misleading and misdirecting the attention of the American Remnant: “Post-Communist Russia is not our enemy, but Washington and the global oligarchs are. It is not Vladimir Putin who is dissolving...
Don’t be Distracted by the “Ukraine Crisis”
By Wayne Allensworth Is it “stupid,” as one friend asked me recently, for “us” to be involved in the Russia-Ukraine crisis? My answer: It’s not stupidity driving this, but ideology. Stupidity in such a case would be acting in way contrary to the American interest, but that assumes the “stupid” parties involved could even think of an “American interest” in a way any normal person could understand...
The Feminized “Woke” Revolution and the Canadian Truckers’ Protests
By Wayne Allensworth A perceptive Canadian, commenting on a Rod Dreher blog post, believes that the protests generated by the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for Canadian truckers are closely connected to a masculine rejection of a feminized political and social order: “The protesters are definitely the non-elite, a combination of working class and others up to the middle middle class, such as...
An Elegy for Wild Bill
By Wayne Allensworth I was blessed to be able to take care of my father, Bill Allensworth (1931-2022). It was a lot of work, sometimes it was overwhelming, but it strangely set me at peace. I realized it was one of the few really unselfish things I’d ever done and that it was not only my father, but me, who was the better for it. Thank you for that opportunity, Daddy, and thanks to all my...
Bowling Alone in Columbine
By Wayne Allensworth Politics are over in America. Political maneuvering will go on, of course, but the old civics class view of American political life was based on a set of assumptions that are no longer operative. First, America was far more homogenous before the 1965 Immigration Act and the 60’s “New Left” political and social revolution changed the country demographically and...
Remembering R. E. Lee on his Birthday
By Wayne Allensworth
The barbarians have brought his statue down. Now it is our task to preserve his memory, and the virtues he so gallantly embodied. Read on here.
Marriage and Post-Christian America
By Wayne Allensworth “MAGA,” if one means by that the restoration of an earlier version of America, has always been a delusion. The old country is dead and gone and has been for a long time. At present, the best long-term plan for the American Remnant, especially serious Christians, is probably something like Rod Dreher’s “Benedict Option” of a strategic withdrawal from a toxic anti-culture...
Live and Remember: The Games People Play
By Wayne Allensworth For many of us, what we consider to be our prelapsarian memories help us to get out of bed in the morning and face an increasingly bleak reality. To live is to remember, for every step taken has moved us to where we are now, for better or for worse. Without memory, however faulty at times, we have no context for the present, and can imagine no future, one we can attempt to...
The God Hypothesis Part IV
By Wayne Allensworth Read Part III here. O Come, O come, Emmanuel. …by their fruits, ye shall know them—Matthew 7:20 Believing a creator God was behind a teleological process that produced life doesn’t entail accepting the tenets of Christianity. For that, more is required, and credible evidence backing Christian belief is widely available. Reputable scholars have done the necessary...
The God Hypothesis Part III
By Wayne Allensworth Read Part II here. Thy strong word did cleave the darkness. Say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth—Psalm 96:10 Materialists have attempted to counter arguments on the improbability of the appearance of ourselves and our world through the actions of blind natural forces with the notion of the “multiverse.” Francis Collins, former head of the Human Genome...
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