AuthorR. Cort Kirkwood

It’s Not About A Virus


Remnant TV explains how ruling class elites will use to virus to “reset” the world economy: To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be...

Take My Advice, Vote For Biden


Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden thinks this estimable individual will persuade Americans to vote for him. Green hair, appears drugged and incoherent. Yeah, Joe, we’ll take this one’s advice.

H/T: Ace of Spades

I’ll just say what @billieeilish said: vote like your life depends on it. #DemConvention— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 20, 2020

Trump Was Right — Tax Remittances, Pay For A Wall


By Darrell Dow Donald Trump’s biggest applause line during the 2016 campaign was his promise to erect a wall along America’s southern border and make Mexico pay for it. Trump did not produce a slew of wonkish policy proposals, but he did provide a simple and workable remittance plan to fulfill his promise: require proof of lawful residence before allowing outgoing wire transfers to Mexico.  Trump...

Anarcho-Tyrants Back The BLM Mobs


R. Cort Kirkwood Just when you thought what the late columnist Sam Francis called “anarcho-tyranny” had reached its apogee, it reaches a little farther. This time, two judges freed two criminals because they might contract the Chinese Virus in jail, where “social distancing” is impossible. Now two people are dead, murdered, police allege, by the virus parolees. Time was, the agents of anarcho...

America Is Not An Idea


By Darrell Dow The hard left drift of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, the increasing violence and iconoclasm of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and the remarks of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez about Father Damien should tell us that America is not a credal nation, as the Left and their neoconservative cousins claim, and if it ever was, well, AOC and the ruling class elites are trying to...

Darren Wilson Did Nothing Wrong


As I reported at The New American,  the St. Louis County Prosecutor secretly opened an “investigation” of former policeman Darren Wilson, who shot “gentle giant” Michael Brown in self defense in 2014. Wilson shot Brown, who had just robbed a convenience store, because Brown tried to kill him. The evidence was clear from the beginning. A grand jury refused to indict Wilson because it learned...

At Loyola U. Maryland, Goodbye O’Connor


My alma mater, Loyola University of Maryland, has canceled one of the surpassing women of American letters. The courageous Jesuit who runs the place, the Rev. Brian F. Linnane, stripped Flannery O’Connor’s name from a dormitory because “some of her personal writings reflected a racist perspective.” He burbled something about “holding ourselves accountable.” O’Connor was required reading when I...

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