What Trump Could Do For His People


By Clyde Wilson

For millions of Americans, President Trump has become the symbol, voice, and hope of saving their America  from  ongoing destruction.  Though the hope he raised remains spectacularly unfulfilled,  he is still its recognized  representative. Possibly his presence is now an obstacle to his program, but that can’t be helped. There is no other populist in sight with any significance, nor is the present Republican party likely to produce another one.

It is perhaps fair to say that Trump’s public role has sometimes reflected more ego than principle — he has shown more allegiance to his family and cronies than to his “people.”

Trump could do two things now that would prominently show his leadership and care for those who follow him. He has the money to begin this and these efforts would soon attract other support.

  1. He should create a legal protection organization for the hundreds of people who have been doxed, fired, prosecuted, and imprisoned for opposing the present regime, almost all of whom are his supporters, left to fight on their own against the vast apparatus of the government and its vigilantes. With truly skilled and dedicated lawyers, such an organization could also bring to bear  the civil courts against such violent groups as Antifa and Black Lives Matter, an opportunity that the Trump administration failed to pursue. This would both enlighten the public and protect his “people.”
  2. He should create a television and online news network. The apparatus of commercial TV is not needed. Start simply with a broadcast of two or three hours each evening presenting the real news. This would soon virtually destroy the power of the mainstream media. Such an effort would not be prohibitively expensive. Avoid all commercial connections and the Republican party line. One major problem to overcome would be finding the right people to do the job. The media culture is totally corrupt and existing personnel at the higher levels would have to be avoided entirely. Alas, finding the right people is not Trump’s strong point.

It seems evident that Trump has never realized the deadly ideological nature of the battle he is in — something more fundamental than personality and policy tinkering. We can only hope that experience has brought him understanding.

Clyde Wilson is Emeritus Distinguished Professor of History of the University of South Carolina. A contributor to American Remnant, he is the author or editor of more than 30 books and 700 articles and essays, M.E. Bradford Professor of the Abbeville Institute, and co-owner of Shotwell Publishing.

About the author

R. Cort Kirkwood

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