Died of a Theory: What happened to the Old America?


By Wayne Allensworth

“If the Confederacy falls, there should be written on its tombstone: ‘Died of a Theory.’”—Jefferson Davis

The United States of America is as dead as a doornail.

Yes, a geographic body bears that name on maps, but like the term “American,” it has been drained of any substance.  The globalists and their leftist allies have made sure of that.  For decades, they maintained the “American” brand name and national symbols. But like a vampire bat, they bled the body politic dry as the American ethnos, induced into a stupor by propaganda, slept.  Our symbols and monuments to our past are now being jettisoned, and we ourselves are slated for replacement.

The old America died of a theory. 

Jeff Davis might have found it ironic that the USA died of the very theory that animated the most hateful enemies of the South.  Many of his influential compatriots so feared that theory that they refused to consider offering slaves freedom in exchange for their serving as Confederate soldiers.  It was their theory of slavery that Davis regretted.

Ideology has frequently overridden common sense.

The ideal of equality before the law, for example, was present at Enlightenment-age America’s creation.  Few of Jefferson’s contemporaries, however, interpreted his lofty assertion that “All men are created equal” literally.   The old America’s idea of all citizens being subject to the law was a cultural artifact of the American ethnos, the present day American Remnant.  That artifact unfortunately became infected with a radical egalitarian virus.  The idea of absolute equality, today’s “blank slate” theory of human nature, which denies any inherent differences in human groups, eventually undermined a more limited and workable idea of equality.

Each stage of the lengthy cultural revolution that overturned long accepted norms made America, indeed the entire Western world, more vulnerable to the radical pathogen.  As the infection set in, we lost confidence in ourselves, and with it, we lost our survival instinct.  Be that as it may, the proximate causes of the radical disease’s terminal stage were the “civil rights revolution” of the 1960s, and the decades-long Cold War.

Yours truly recently wrote a piece on how the “civil rights revolution” institutionalized white guilt in our educational system.  The powers-that-be, an alliance of globalists and leftists, wielded a white guilt-heavy revisionist view of American history as a bludgeon against the American ethnos, breaking down resistance to radical egalitarianism, and, concomitantly, globalism.

Under the blank slate theory, no distinctions could be made, for instance, between Americans and aliens. The world’s entire population was, at least potentially, “American.”  “Discrimination” was counted among the worst of all sins.  According to the theory, the “gaps” between whites and minorities could only be explained by “white privilege” and invisible “institutional racism.”

The Cold War helped spread the infection as well.

The Hart-Cellar Immigration Act of 1965 itself was part of the Cold War “architecture” of the era. As Dennis Petrov wrote at VDare:

“The propaganda aspect of the war was fought in ideological terms as a clash between Communism and Capitalism (‘the free world’), a war of ideas, not of countries with concrete national interests and distinct peoples. Hart-Celler, which opened the door to non-European immigration, was ideologically an extension of the Civil Rights legislation of the era, itself used in Cold War information campaigns to counter Soviet anti-capitalist and anti-U.S. propaganda. Discrimination of any kind was seen as arming the Communists with useful propaganda points—a Western democracy discriminating against the colored peoples of the earth undermined the global anti-Communist line.”

The Cold War helped cement the notion of America as an idea, a radically egalitarian one at that, into the national psyche.  It was an idea that disarmed the American ethnos.  Henceforth, “we” could include anyone from anywhere.  To say otherwise was “racist” and “xenophobic.”

The USA as a political manifestation of the American ethnos is dead, but the ethnos, weakened and under siege, lives on.  Acknowledging that the global capital on the Potomac and the system it represents are indeed hostile to us is a necessary step toward thinking about what comes next.  To begin again, a reassessment of what “patriotism” means is necessary. And any patriotic movement worthy of the name must jettison the baggage of the egalitarian god that failed. America is not an idea.

Wayne Allensworth is a Corresponding Editor of Chronicles magazine. He is the author of The Russian Question: Nationalism, Modernization, and Post-Communist Russia, and a novel Field of Blood

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Wayne Allensworth

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